Volunteer for Charity!
We are currently recruiting people to volunteer for charity and help the Sussex Cancer Fund
Our charity needs volunteers to help us grow, we are looking for everything from admin to cake baking and the enthusiasm to help us make a difference to cancer patients in Sussex.
We particularly need:
- People with a few hours a week or month to spare
- People with general admin or office skills
- People willing to help out at fundraising events
- Events organisers
- Cake bakers
- Creative ideas people
- People that are good at crafts and making things
- People to help provide patient support on the wards
Please get in touch if you would like to volunteer for charity with The Sussex Cancer Fund.
Tel: 01273 664930 or email: info@sussexcancerfund.co.uk with a completed application form.
Volunteer Information & Downloads

Volunteer Information & Downloads
Could you be one of our next Trustees to Volunteer for Charity?
We are expanding our board and are looking for Trustees to help shape the Sussex Cancer Fund. The Sussex Cancer Fund has never been needed more and as now 1 in 2 of us are expected to receive cancer treatment in our lifetimes that need will continue to grow. So we are looking for individuals that can help support and grow the charity in line with our strategy.
Trustee Info & Downloads
For information about our Trustee Position: Governance Lead, click here
For more information about our general Trustee Roles click here.
Or Download our Trustee Application Form here
More information about our Trustees Policy can be found here
Could you be one of our next Trustees to Volunteer for Charity?