Wish List
You can contribute directly by helping us purchase some much-needed equipment

The death of a parent, sibling or friend is one of the most traumatic experiences for a child or young person and it can be hard to know how to talk to them about it. In this honest, comforting and strength-building guide Julie Stokes, a clinical psychologist and founder of childhood bereavement charity Winston’s Wish, provides readers with the tools they need to navigate this tough and turbulent time.

Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor
Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor. Zacurate® Pro Series CMS 500DL Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with Silicone Cover, Batteries and Lanyard (Mystic Black) £24.99 each

Nebuliser compressor for use at home for nebulising bronchodilator (reliever) treatments.
For patients who have head and neck cancer having radiotherapy treatment to aid thick secretions and help provide comfort and avoid admissions to hospital. The nebuliser would be given on loan for the period of radiotherapy

Cannulation Trolley For the Sussex Cancer Centre
Lockable, mobile trollies with secure storage for cannulation equipment. They offer 4-5 drawers, a central locking system, customisable dividers, accessories, and a pull-out tray for added workspace. Easy to manoeuvre and access

Change Speed Heat Warming Pads
For Chemotherapy patients to help raise their veins and give comfort whilst they receive their treatment, 5 needed, £29.99 each.

Chemotherapy Stools
For Chemotherapy nurses to sit on whilst administering drugs. Approx £300.00 each

Chemotherapy Chair
For use in the chemotherapy ward. £1300+VAT each.

Drip Stands
Drip stands for infusion pumps allow patients greater freedom of movement when receiving chemotherapy

Funds for Refreshments
We need your support to help cover the cost of the 20,000 hot drinks we provide to patients each year, offering them comfort and care during their treatment.

Kneefix Cushions
These are needed to support our radiotherapy patients receiving treatment. They give better comfort to the patient and help immobilise for precision treatment. 21 needed £500.00 + Vat

Breast Board with Attachments
A breast board with attachments is used for treating patients with breast cancer. 5 needed £8,000 each.

Patient Gowns and Tunics
These specially designed tunics ensure patient comfort, dignity, and efficiency during upper body radiotherapy, significantly enhancing the treatment experience.

Blue Immobilisation Bags
Approx £150.00 each. Used for arm immobilisation for sarcoma patients being treated in the mould room.

Specialist Cookery Books
We offer specialist cookery books for sale or free, at caregivers’ discretion, but need contributions to our book fund to continue providing this support
Outpatients and Haematology

Used for our outpatients clinics to keep all the equipment needed by our nurses to hand. They will keep the clinics clutter-free but funding from elsewhere is unavailable.
£424 + VAT

Bedside Tables
Patients in trolley bays are currently eating refreshments from their laps.

Waiting Room Furniture
Waiting room furniture needed for the development of the various treatment clinics from – £173.00+ VAT each.

Haematology Chairs
Specialist reclining treatment chairs for the Haematology Ward (£2300 each). These chairs quickly adjust to the Trendelenburg position, used to aid recovery when patients faint or go into shock.