We are excited to invite you to come and meet our team of blood cancer researchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The afternoon will start with a tour of our research labs, followed by an opportunity to chat with us over refreshments. As well as seeing how we work and meeting the team, we want to use this opportunity to better understand what is important to patients and their families.

We are committed to making our research as relevant and accessible as possible. So please come along and help us shape the direction of blood cancer research here in Sussex.

**Please note that the research teams will be unable to comment or advise on personal treatment plans. They will be sharing details of brand new research taking place in Sussex on Blood Cancers only.

Please arrange a parking permit by e-mailing G.Hamilton@BSMS.ac.uk

Friday 3rd November 2023 2pm – 4pm

Medical Research Building,

Biology Road, Brighton & Sussex Medical School,

University of Sussex, Falmer,

BN1 9PX.

Blood Cancer Research Team grateful for SCF support

The haemato-oncology research team based at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have had another good year! The team has published important papers on a range of cancers and continues to grow in size; it is now made up of 21 clinical and non-clinical researchers working on a range of different Blood cancers. Their work is recognised internationally and although the team is now one of the biggest at the medical school, they attribute much of their success to the support given to them by the Sussex Cancer Fund.

Chris Pepper, one of the leaders of the team, said “We are so grateful to the Sussex Cancer Fund for helping us to purchase a vital piece of equipment, called a flow cytometer, when we first moved to BSMS in 2017. Without that crucial investment, none of our subsequent successes would have been possible!” The team have used exciting new data generated using the flow cytometer to secure more grant funding from Blood Cancer UK, Leukaemia UK, the Medical Research Council, the UKRI, the University Hospital Sussex and Nucana PLC, so your generous donations have been multiplied more than 10-fold! Although the team’s research is diverse, ranging from trying to understand what makes cancer cells grow, to building computer models to better predict treatment responses and developing new drugs, they are very focussed on patients. Again, working with the Sussex Cancer Fund, the team have set up a series of open days where patients and their families can meet the research team, visit the labs and have an opportunity to help the team set their research priorities.

Their aim is to encourage patients to be involved in all aspects of the research to ensure that it stays relevant and accessible. The next open day is scheduled for November 3 rd , so if you want to find out what the team are doing, see researchers in action in the lab, and hear how you can help shape their research, please sign up using the link below:

A group of people in conversation

Help make a real difference and donate to Sussex Cancer Fund today.