In a previous blog post we caught up with Anita Howell from Meet Lucy and Jack and Friends and the author of B is for Breat Cancer reporting on an interview she did describing her book. Leading on from that we wanted to share what Dr David Bloomfield the Sussex Cancer Fund Chairman had to say about the book when he was asked to write the blurb.
“Every parent with a diagnosis of cancer has the dilemma of how much to share with their children, while trying to protect them. This reassuring and loving book written from personal experience, involves children in the treatment plans and medical vocabulary of the new world the family has entered” – Dr David Bloomfield MRCP FRCR MA, Consultant in Oncology, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.
The book is beautifully illustrated by Sue Roche and takes the family through the journey from Ruth’s diagnoses of breast cancer (Ruth is Lucy and Jack’s mum) through a full year of treatment. The book is written in simplistic child-friendly language but covers the treatment process and the impacts on family life in a thorough and true to life way.
The Sussex Cancer Fund has bought 10 copies to give away to patients which are available from The Park Centre for Breast Care. However, if you would like to get a copy it is also available here