Dr Ollie Minton
The Sussex Cancer Fund recently reported on their support for a project with the Enhanced Supportive Care team at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, to remotely collect quality of life data for cancer patients who may require palliative care input and provide them with additional support at an earlier stage. This project is headed by Dr Ollie Minton, Clinical Director for Cancer, and while simple in outline view has far-ranging benefits to patients and their care-givers. Through the digital reporting platform provided by ‘My Clinical Outcomes’ patients are asked to self-report their symptoms, the data collected is then coordinated through the software and available to patients and their care team. Any emerging changes in their symptoms and quality of life data can then be seen quickly and changes in care regimes implemented swiftly.
Following several months of project implementation, Dr Ollie Minton has shared his findings in a new paper titled ” Enhanced Supportive Care, Evaluation Overview“. The project’s purpose was to improve patient experience and while it has already demonstrated extensive patient benefits there are significant cost savings too. These include a reduction in non-elective admission rate and a reduction in non-elective average length of stay for patients.
We are very proud to report a further paper titled “Cancer centre supportive oncology service: health economic evaluation” has been published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal).