We caught up with Jean Tremlett at the recent Ladies Day Charity Event to talk about what Jean does and her involvement with Sussex Cancer Fund.
What is your job title?
“Senior Radiographer and Deputy Chair of Sussex Cancer Fund”
What is your role at the hospital?
“ To safely and accurately deliver Radiotherapy and to support patients and their friends and families during this time. I work in all 3 Radiotherapy centres in Sussex, at the County, Preston Park and Eastbourne. It is also a clinical governance role. I am interested in Research and educating student Radiographers as well as other health care professionals and support staff.”
How long have you worked here?
“Since 2003″
What is the best bit of your job?
“It is hard for me to decide between patients and my colleagues. I couldn’t do a good job without the help and support of my wonderful colleagues but I love working with and helping people. We meet a great variety of people, which is fascinating. My patients are often facing the most difficult times of their lives yet they are all so friendly and grateful, just lovely people.”
What is your connection with the Sussex Cancer Fund?
“I have been Deputy Chair of the Sussex Cancer Fund for about a year, giving support and back-up to Dr. David Bloomfield the Chair, particularly while David was away on sabbatical. Although I have been on the committee for about three years.”
How has the Sussex Cancer Fund helped you?
“The Sussex Cancer Fund has provided a lot of equipment for the Radiotherapy Department. They have probably donated most of the immobilisation equipment and thanks to them we have state of the art manual handling equipment. They have also paid for bladder scanners for the units at the Sussex Cancer Centre and the Preston Park Radiotherapy Centre” ( You can read more about the bladder scanners and the benefits they have brought to patients here).
“However, probably one of the most significant things the Sussex Cancer Fund has done is also the simplest. The provision of personal gowns to preserve patients’ privacy and dignity. Small things can make such a massive difference to patient experience.”
Have you done any fundraising for the Sussex Cancer Fund? If so, what did you do?
“As of yet I haven’t done any fundraising personally, I have supported lots of others and of course I volunteer to be on the committee but no fundraising directly. However, I have a big birthday coming up and to help mark the occasion I am hoping to give myself a personal challenge, I am hoping to do a 50km sponsored walk in Sussex in aid of Sussex Cancer Fund. Details are to be confirmed soon but would love others to join me”.
(If you would like to join Jean on her 50k walk through Sussex please get in touch via bsuh.scfadministrator@nhs.net)
Is there anything else you would like to share?
“Sussex Cancer Fund has made a difference to both patients and staff. It means we are able to respond to patients’ comments and make improvements but also makes the staff feel supported and valued. I would also like to thank Dr. George Deutsch for having the vision in 1981 to start the charity and to Dr David Bloomfield for giving me the opportunity to contribute.”
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