New Chemo Chair from Marathons & Marriage in Memory of a lovely Mum

Some time ago we reported on how John Ryce was running one and a half marathons in memory of a lady he had never met. He was raising money for the Sussex Cancer Fund in a sweet gesture for his bride to be Becky, who sadly lost her mum Judith, some years before.

Now we are delighted to report that Becky and John have happily tied the knot but as an extra salute to Becky’s Mum, instead of having wedding favours at the reception they donated a sum of money to the Sussex Cancer Fund.

We are always so grateful to our supporters but what makes it extra special for us, is to be able to show our fundraisers what they have contributed to and how it is making a difference. Becky and John chose to buy a new Chemotherapy Chair for the Princess Royal Hospital, in Haywards Heath, which is now in service giving more comfortable treatment for patients in Sussex.

Thank you, Becky and John, and we wish you much luck and happiness in your new life together.

If you would like to fundraise for us and help make a difference please get in touch.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you Becky and John and also to the Sussex Cancer Fund for being there to encourage such generosity from people who want to give back.

    Loving the purple colour. A nice injection of colour in what is usually a cool clinical place.

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