You do not need a solicitor present to write a will. This said, there are some important reasons why you should want your will to be checked by a solicitor, and why every will made on Make a Will Online is checked by a solicitor.

All qualified solicitors are regulated by the SRA – the Solicitors Regulation Authority – and have to follow their code of conduct. Solicitors also have to study and pass tough exams before they can call themselves solicitors. They need appropriate insurance to ensure you are protected. We are authorised by the SRA to provide the services of solicitors to the public.

On the other hand, absolutely anyone in the UK can call themselves a will writer.

If you don’t want a solicitor-checked will, you should at least ensure that your will writer is a member, like we are, of a professional body like the society of will writers, where members need to follow a code of conduct that includes having sufficient insurance and staying up to date with regular training.

It’s up to you, but if you choose a DIY online will that is not solicitor checked, you need to be comfortable with that level of risk.

Circumstances where we would recommend visiting a solicitor:

If you own property, or any other immovable assets, anywhere other than England and Wales, you should speak to a solicitor experienced in dealing with the laws of that country.

If you own a farm.

If you are not a British citizen and your permanent home is not in England or Wales.

If your estate totals over £1,000,000, we recommend that you see a solicitor and/or IHT expert as they will be able to help with your tax liability.