SCF Blog

Blue Bags

Blue Bags £600.00 Rectangular vacuum cushions which are used for precise and reproducible mouldings of patient contours to ensure accuracy of set up for treatment. Purchased by Penny Cattaneo and David Shannon, our grateful thanks.

Porta-neb SideStream nebuliser compressors

Porta-neb SideStream nebuliser compressors The perfect nebuliser compressor for use at home for nebulising bronchodilator (reliever) treatments. For patients who have head and neck cancer having radiotherapy treatment to aid thick secretions and help provide comfort and avoid admissions to hospital.  The nebuliser would be given on loan for the period of radiotherapy. One kindly […]

Soft furnishings for Counseling room chairs

Soft furnishings for Counseling room chairs These were looking very thin and worn as they are sat on for 50 minutes at a time.  They are part of the counselling room where patients and their relatives can spend time with our Macmillan nurses.  Here they can receive counselling, support and hypnotherapy to help with some […]

Head torches

Head torches For use in the outpatients department. 1 purchased by the family of Stan Beard in loving memory. 5 kindly purchased by Beryl Fenwick and friends with our grateful thanks  

Lockable Fridge

Lockable Fridge For use in clinics, current clinics are running late because staff need to go to other departments to get drugs that need to be refrigerated. £360.00. Kindly purchased by Beryl Fenwick and friends – thanks to all

Weighing scales

 Weighing scales For use in the clinic rooms. approx £50.00 each 1 kindly purchased by Beryl Fenwick and friends 2 purchased by Phoebe Couchman in loving memory of my Grandpa Ron Couchman


Used for our outpatients clinics to keep all the equipment needed by our nurses to hand. They will keep the clinics clutter-free but funding from elsewhere is unavailable.£424 + VAT 1 kindly purchased by the Davidson family in memory of Peter Davidson.