SCF Blog

Sophie O’Brien Cancer Matron

In the next of our series ‘Spotlight on staff,’ we caught up with Sophie O’Brien, Cancer Matron, to find out a little more about her role and how the Sussex Cancer Fund has helped.   What is your role at the hospital? I am the Cancer Matron for the inpatient and outpatient units at BSUH. […]

Jane's Wish

The Sussex Cancer Fund has always been proud to work in partnership with other charities. We understand that we can achieve more together. In particular, we like working with other small local charities that complement the work we do. Jane’s Wish is one of those charities. Who are Jane’s Wish? Jane’s Wish is a small […]

Jo and Friends Sussex Saunter - 19th June 2020

Jo is a local Sussex writer and Business Ambassador for the Sussex Cancer Fund. Jo and 5 friends are going to ‘Step it Up For Cancer’ and take part in our #SussexSaunter campaign with a 10-mile walk from Alfriston to Cuckmere Haven on the 19th June. Jo is more used to running but has organised […]

The Head and Neck Cancer Support Group, Brighton,Sussex

The Sussex Cancer Fund has always been proud to work in partnership with other charities and organisations. We understand that we can achieve more together. In particular, we like working with other small local charities and support groups that complement the work we do. THANCS is one of those groups. THANCS is a local support […]

Paula's Braving the shave for SCF - 29th June 2020

Paula Madhlope-Phillips, Deputy Administration & Patient Access Manager from the Sussex Cancer Centre is shaving her head to raise vital funds for the Sussex Cancer Fund. Paula is taking to Facebook Live on 1 pm 29th June to have her hair shaved off in the Sussex Cancer Centre Car Park. To ensure social distancing rules […]

SCF Water Bottles for Pelvic Cancer Patients

The Sussex Cancer Fund provides water bottles for patients with certain pelvic cancers such as gynaecological, rectal and anus cancers. They are given to patients for free who need to drink and have a full bladder for every treatment to help reduce side effects on sensitive areas like the rectum, and to ensure the accuracy […]