SCF Blog

Clinic 55 and Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to show their support Clinic 55, the Advanced Skin & Aesthetics Clinic in Hove is making a donation to the Sussex Cancer Fund for every treatment carried out in October. In addition Clinic 55 is kindly offering all NHS staff 15% off their in-house treatments (except injectable treatments), […]

Russell's Royal Parks (9) Marathon Walk in London

Russell Taylor, was due to take part in a walking marathon across the South Downs through the night to raise funds for the Sussex Cancer Fund. The event, had been delayed because of Covid several times, so Russell not wanting to let the Sussex Cancer Fund and his supporters down changed his event to the […]

David Witham

We are delighted to welcome and introduce our new Fund Manager, David Witham. David has joined the Sussex Cancer Fund Team in recent weeks taking the place of our long-running previous manager Julia Lenton. David has a long history with the Sussex Cancer Fund having worked in most departments over at the Sussex Cancer Centre, […]

Coastalbourne Art & Gifts by Kay Goddard

One of our wonderful Dosimetrists, Kay Goddard is very kindly putting her creative talents to use to make beautiful art and gifts and selling them through her Etsy shop. What’s more, Kay is making a contribution from each sale to be donated to the Sussex Cancer Fund. Kay’s Story was born as an outlet for […]

SCF Bake Sale - 8th October

A cake sale in aid of the Sussex Cancer Fund is taking place at the Park Centre For Breast Care, in Brighton on the 8th of October.   The socially distanced cake sale is being run by staff and in accordance with safety guidelines.   *****UPDATE***** Thank you so much to Alex, Clinical Nurse Specialist, […]