Where your money goes – a few of the projects we have funded with your help…

Preston Park Radiotherapy Centre would like to thank the Sussex Cancer Fund for enabling us to buy a crucial set of items for our patients – pyjamas!

The majority of patients we currently treat at PPRC have cancers located in the pelvis.  We now give each new patient a pair of pyjamas for them to bring in every day for treatment.  When it comes to their appointment time, they change into these pyjamas in individual changing cubicles, situated opposite the treatment rooms.  […]

SCF-funded research featured in Clinical Oncology journal

Here at the Sussex Cancer Fund we are involved in a number of clinical research projects, one of which has recently been featured as Editor’s choice in the Clinical Oncology journal. The research paper, titled “Challenges to Treating Older Glioblastoma Patients: the Influence of Clinical and Tumour Characteristics on Survival Outcomes”, can be viewed on […]

patient trolleys purchased by the sussex cancer fund

Two modern patient trolleys were purchased as a result of the fundraising efforts of our fantastic supporters Emma Knight and Penny Cattaneo & David Shannon.   The trolleys, costing £3000 each will really make a difference to patients and staff at the centre. These state of the art trolleys have many design features designed to improve comfort and […]

SLA battery tester purchased by the Sussex Cancer Fund

SLA battery tester Tests batteries typically used in UPS etc that may have a future life left but we have no way of testing them. By re-using these batteries we would save money, time and the environment. approx £300. Kindly donated by Paul Grimwood and colleagues at ASL

Bagless Hoover

Bagless Hoover £60.00 For use in the Mould room, purchased by Penny Cattaneo and David Shannon, our thanks